Find Your Audience First, Then Build The Startup They Will Love

November 23, 2021

Your audience is not just your customers. They are the reason your startup exists.

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"Build it and they will come."

That was the old method.

Now, it's 👇

"Start audience first, then build with them."

Your audience is everything

It's a simple idea.
Find your audience first, before you start building.

Then build something that they will love.
With this approach, your audience is not just your customers. They're your active contributors.

They are the reason your startup exists.

Why audience first?


You can get feedback on your idea before you waste time building it. There will be no misalignment between product and user.


Startups can use their audience as an acquisition channel. They're also your biggest advocates.


Hire from your audience. They're the people most likely to become loyal employees.


When you have an active audience, you can raise money through them. This will become easier with Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Token Fundraising.

Companies to Watch:

Product Hunt: Ryan Hoover started Product Hunt with an audience-first approach. It's also a great place for startups to kickstart their audience!

Basecamp: Remote working toolkit that started audience-first.

Circle: Modern community management platform for creators.

Mailchimp: Email marketing campaigns and automation. You can start your own newsletter here!

Twitter: Great place to grow and manage your audience.

TikTok: One of the best places to people to get visibility quickly. But less ownership of audience (followers).

3 Audience-First Opportunities

1. Start audience first

Create value (like content) and start building an audience. Email is still one of the best ways to own an audience. Create a community with them.

2. Join a community

Unsure about how to grow and manage and audience? Join a community to learn. Smoothie will be launching an exclusive web3 founder community soon!

3. Product Ecosystem

If you already have an audience, create synergetic product offerings that they will love. Examples include courses, blogs, tools, etc.



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